Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ryan turns 11 months!

Yet another happy month has zoomed past us as Ryan fills our days with more and more laughter, joy and love. He's beginning to learn a lot physically and mentally. He's taken a couple of wobbly steps and he's been learning the names of objects like fan, button, clock, cat, etc...he's even trying to imitate sentences we say! Of course it turns out all gibberish and funny.

As Ryan turns 11 months old, he had his first 'mugshots' taken by a photographer other than his mother! Below are some shots to share. I have to admit these aren't the best of shots, all taken in under 5 minutes plus he wasn't exactly dressed for it as we just decided to let him have a go at it while strolling in a mall. But I do like a few of them, especially his cheeky shots!




Friday, July 11, 2008

Another post on Ryan with his bottles

An earlier post revealed Ryan's strange love for bottles...this one is a continuation, with more photos.

On our road trip back from Muar, Ryan was kept occupied and happy with a mineral water bottle. He was in a world of his own!





Even when he's deep in slumber in his sarong, he prefers to hug a Rubbermaid bottle than his bolster.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Ryan went to the zoo

We wanted to bring Ryan to the Zoo Negara two weekends ago. Though I've heard and seen how sad the condition of the zoo is, there's no other zoo in the city to go to. But on that day, the weather was unkind to us as it rained the entire day!

So last weekend we took a trip to Malacca and brought Ryan to Melaka Zoo instead. We didn't spend much time there as Ryan got tired and not too interested after a while. It was then that I realised he's a bit too young to be able to appreciate the zoo. Especially when you need to spot some animals in their hiding places.

Here are some pictures of the trip.

Before we started, we tested a cap on him. Don't be deceived by the cheeky grin, he doesn't like wearing that cap!

Ryan seems excited when we were at the entrance of the zoo.

The first stop was to see some huge parrots.

Very pretty colours, no?

Ryan was more interested in the elephants behind us than posing for the camera, obviously!

Daddy explaining to Ryan what a monkey is all about...

Father and son managing an uphill task, armed with umbrella, fan and a tonne of things hanging on the pram!

I don't know what he's trying to imitate but it sure ain't a pretty sight, boy!

The poor little thing is tired and yawning away.

Time to enjoy that afternoon milk.

"Hey you, stop taking photos already!"

"Hurry up daddy, strap me in. I'm so sleepy!"

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