Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More photos of Ryan

Grandma says his blog hasn't been updated for a long while...the truth is that I haven't picked up the camera and shoot away. However, I do have photos of him captured from the phone.

Here are some of his "best shots"....

Ryan fast asleep in his comfy car seat. Is he smiling in his dreams?

Ryan loves being topless! And he's saying his favourite word of the moment which is "Woo"!

Ryan sits in a baby chair and wonders when he can have a taste of "adult" food!

"I want food now!!!"

Ryan tries on a pair of Crocs. Didn't seem to like it, neither did we.


My Rantings said...

Ryan is getting handsomer by the day! :)

InnerJourney said...

When he is one year old, po po buys him croc ah. by then i am sure they will have better and lovelier models.... hopefully hehe

InnerJourney said...

Aiseh, forgot to tell you .... imitation croc costs RM10 only. The blue pair in our shoe rack outside the house

Ryan's Mum said...

dancing queen, ryan would be grinning to hear that! :D

po po, as discussed, don't buy him crocs! anything but crocs... :P

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